
This gallery contains 4 photos.

Eroticism, it may be said, is assenting to life up to the point if death… Between one being and another, there is a gulf, a discontinuity… Existence itself is a stake in the transition from discontinuity to continuity… Yet death, it that it destroys the discontinuous being, leaves intact the general continuity of existence outside […]

Incidental #4

The Dictyosteliida have a very different lifestyle. Their amoebae do not form huge coenocytes, and remain individual. They live in similar habitats and feed on microorganisms. When food runs out and they are ready to form sporangia they release signal molecules into their environment, by which they find each other and create swarms. These amoeba then join up into a tiny multicellular slug-like coordinated creature, which crawls to an open lit place and grows into a fruiting body. Some of the amoebae become spores to begin the next generation, but some of the amoebae sacrifice themselves to become a dead stalk, lifting the spores up into the air.

Astral Effluvia

Shape-shifting in-between states of being and not being, where she begins to channel those strange profanities that precipitate like reflexes of astral effluvia, exteriorising within her gyrations and cacophanies. As the subtle magickal radiations of preater-human intelligence pierce the aperture of void and adumbrate through the body alembic as a strange glossolalia, where she releases the elixirs in aching syncopations.

Oracular gnosis

“Oracular gnosis, is the hypostatic precipitation of phantasma within the non-spatial stellar dimensions of the initiate. Traffick with praeter-human intelligences are received as a concussion of ‘shadow signatures’ which colour (Kalas) the magickal mirror experientially as a Somatonoësis.”